My daughter is constantly asking me to put on "her shows" and I think to myself that she should be out running around going crazy, drawing or playing in her room instead - thats what I used to do!! But then I fondly remember what almost shaped me as a child - MY SHOWS!!!! Here are a few of my favourites.
G-Force - Ahhhh Mark......I swear I wanted to marry him, I didnt care that he was a cartoon, he was the lovely of my life (life at about 10 anyway)
Monkey Magic - Still think Tripitaka was a girl LOL
Doctor Who - Bad Scarf or not
Sooty - Come on who didnt like Sooty??
Goodies - Goodie Goodie Yum Yum
Wurzel Gummich - freaky but fascinating
Mr Squiggle - h.u.r.r.y up
Banana Splits - Tra La La